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1、My backpack is heavy enough我的书包太重太重啦Homework so hard,tell me how to start作业也太难了吧,告诉我怎么下笔呢?One day I will grow up,be superstar有一天我会张大,成为超级巨星Strength is in my heart心中的力量是大大的!I used to change my haircut,play the guitar过去的我常常改变发型,弹着吉他It become my pass然而这些都成为了过去Test is too hard to pass考试也太难通过了My weary heart我脆弱的心啊Just take my to task(老师)你就谴责我把Tell me why?告诉我为什么?Music disappeared in my life音乐从我的生活中消失了Every time每一次When I open sleepy-eyes当我睁开朦胧的双眼Oh grammar,physice,triangle,they say hi,哦,语法,物理,三角,他们正在想我招手呢I draw a deep sigh我深吸一口气(无奈........)As for me,life`s not easy对于我来说,生活也不容易啊To be the last one is actually not me最后一名不会真的是我把Carry on with it buddy,I say sorry坚持学习的朋友,我说声对不起勒Give me a break,and let`s call it a day让我喘口气吧,今天就到这里吧!My backpack is heavy enoughHomework so hard,tell me how to startOne day I will grow up,be superstarStrength is in my heartI used to change my haircut,play the guitarIt become my passTest is too hard to passMy weary heartJust take my to task。

2、Tell me why?Scores are as important as life?分数和生活一样张瑶了?You walk by你从我身旁走过tease me I do not hide取笑我,我也不会闪躲(这句话最经典)Top student,you are great,you are hope,you are guide好学生,你很棒!你是希望!你是领头羊!But I never mind可是我不介意哦┢┦aΡpyAs for me I`m not silly至于我,我也不傻I born to do something different indeed我生来就是要做些与众不同的事情的Study hard,my dream is not far as it seems如果我努力学习了,我的梦想也似乎并不会那么遥远Make progress every day I promise我保证每天我都要进步一点点!My backpack is heavy enoughHomework so hard,tell me how to startOne day I will grow up,be superstarStrength is in my heartI used to change my haircut,play the guittrIt become my passTest is too hard to passMy weary heartJust take my to task。

3、My backpack is heavy enoughHomework so hard,tell me how to startOne day I will grow up,be superstarStrength is in my heartI used to change my haircut,play the gitterIt become my passTest is too hard to passMy weary heartJust take my to taskTo be superstarNothing to fear in my heart我心中是无所畏惧的Make a wish upon the tiny star对着那颗闪闪的小星星许个愿吧。

